Animal Spirits

Session: Wineborn


Four homo sapiens, DW, IW, JH, BK and my little homo sapien Angelica made it along for an Animal Spirits session last night.  The session combined some animal themed exercises together with some animal related quiz questions (who knew a group of parrots was called a pandemonium for example?).


Exercises were as follows:


Ostrich: 2 laps of the park warm up


Core sets:


30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 4 of each group

1 min rest at end of each group


Group 1


Gorillas 4 forward and 4 back

Frog squats

Frog jump burpees forward and back

Monkey squats side to side, 3 each way


Group 2


Horse kick backs

Dead bugs

Bear crawl 4 forward 4 back

Inch worm out to press ups


Group 3


Bunny hops

Komodo press ups (spiderman)

Grasshopper planks

Crab in circles in alternate directions


Ian proved himself to be the king monkey on the night with some flawlessly executed komodo dragon press ups (i.e. spiderman press ups) and went home with a bag of monkey nuts for his troubles.


First special contribution award to Olivia, who basically designed the workout and even recorded videos for us on correct form (which Ben disregarded on dead bugs)


Second special contribution award to Angelica who kept up with every exercise set despite the pouring rain…I believe the children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.


Good work all!

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